This Friday is "Setsubun"(節分) the END of winter season according to the traditional calender, even though current weather condition in Tokyo is too hard to make us convinced it as the end of winter coming.
On the day of Setsubun in Japan, we have a traditional event called "mame-maki"(豆まき, bean-throwing). It is taken place to drive out evils which appear as "Oni" (鬼, Japanese traditional devil figure). At some events of "mame-maki", people can throw soy beans at "Oni", wishing evils out from their body and heart.
This year, one of the biggest modern "mame-maki" event is taken place at Tokyo Tower on the evening of 3rd February, offering 1ton of soy beans(inedible) to be throwned by 600 participants.
Japanese website about the event:
Unfortunately the ticket to participate in the event is already sold out. However the event organizer offers another interesting opportunity for those who are not able to attend the bean-throwing event.
It is a discount opportunity called "Oni-wari" (devil-discount) for which restaurants and bars in Tokyo offer some discount exclusive to people who disguise themselve as "Oni" (Japanese traditional devil figure)
How can you diguise like an Oni? .... they have body in red or blue colors, horn(s) on the top of woolly head. If you would, let's try to become one but be careful as you could be beaten by beans.
Restaurants and bars offering "Oni-wari"(devil-discount) are plotted on the below facebook page.