Japanese people have tea for years and years. Green tea (ryokucha, 緑茶) is the most typical Japanese tea (nihoncha, 日本茶), as many know. In the world, or even in Japan, we have different types of tea; English tea (kocha, 紅茶), Chinese tea (chugokucha, 中国茶), herb tea.
How will it be? if we mix two types of tea... Japanese green tea + English black (? considered as "red" in Japan) tea.
The answer is here.
Tea shop Lupicia created a kind of blend tea from Japanese green and Assam tea. It is named "Jiyugaoka (自由が丘) after its flagship shop's located area, known as quite residential town with sophisticated fashion and interior boutiques in Tokyo.
Look at the tea leaf, surely it includes both green and black ones mixed together.
The taste and flavour also has recognizably different types of tea. First the fresh green tea comes into the mouth. Then it remains flavour of English tea in the mouth.
Can you imagine it ?
Surely it is tasty, recommendable and interesting tea, truely a good "East meets West" product.
The tea house Lupicia offers wide selections of tea from across Japan and world. Tea leaf or bags are displayed by type of tea in the large space. Try different types of interesting unique tea selections. On the upper floor, the tea salon is located.
What I got there;
Original blend tea Jiyugaoka (自由が丘) as described above, Apricot Barley (あんず麦茶) and Grapefruit Green (グレープフルーツ緑茶).
Shop name: Lupicia
Address: 1-25-17 Jiyugaoka Meguro-ku, Tokyo
Website: http://www.lupicia.co.jp/