Pray for the victims and wish for live saved
As many of you know, the tragedy of earthquake and tsunami in Tohoku area, claimed thousands of lives, hugely made us shocked. From last night, the weather condition became severe for refugee. It is snowing sometimes and the temparature is below or around zero degree. Rescue teams are having hard working for live-saved. Another risk of nuclear power plants followed and was revealed. It is really hard to look at the reality happened in Japan at this moment. But we cannot be devastated for longer and would never lose hopes in future. Many of us are greatly impressed by warm messages and supports from the world. I deeply appreciate warm hearts of each of you. Now it is the toughest time but personally I am sure that my country is able to overcome this crisis.
If you would like to help the earthquake and tsunami victims and refugee, one way I recommend is to make a donation from below link.
CIVIC FORCE (emergency response team) :
Online donation to CIVIC FORCE :
How about situation in Tokyo?
As reported on some media, power cut is conducted for a few hours per day in Kando region including residential area of Tokyo. Central Tokyo is out of the plan but many of business organizations in town such as retail stores, leisure facilities, tranportation services readily paticipate in cooperation of energy saving. They could close the door earlier or operate with limited facilities or less frequent services.
Food shortage?!
Another event we encounted in Tokyo – scarcity of food and commodities observed for last few days. It happened from a few reasons; available supply are sent to Tohoku area for refugee / because of energy short, people in Tokyo rushed to daily needs for storage. For last two days, after office hours I could rarely find breads, milk and eggs at supermarkets. It does not mean we have no food for today. We can still find fresh fruits, fish, meat, drinks, some snacks and grocery as usual. Many restaurants open and offer enough number of selections. It is never be a problem considering people suffering in Tohoku area. Just our daily life is maybe too convenient. Retailers are planning to source storage from West part of Japan and it is expected to improve the scarcity.
Today’s my dinner, two pieces of Onigiri: seasonal flavor “Sakura” cherry blossoms…Spring is just around the corner!