An-mitsu(あんみつ) is a Japanese traditional sweets. It could be a kind of "parfait" in Japanese style.
Literally "an"(餡、あん) is sweet bean paste that is often seen in Japanese traditional sweets. "Mitsu"(蜜、みつ) represents sweet syrup made from sugar.
So in a bowl of "an-mitsu", the bean paste and syrup are the biggest features. But we cannot miss also "kanten"(寒天、かんてん), Japanese agar (gelatin jelly made from a plant) for an-mitsu.
In addition to these three main ingredients in an-mitsu, other attractive filling maybe added; fruits such as a pice of orange, strawberry or cherry, cream (like one in the photo), "shiratama"(dumpling). Then the sweet bowl is "upgraded" to something with more attractive names - "fruits an-mitsu"- "fruit cream an-mitsu" or "fruit shiratama an-mitsu" etc etc
Mihashi in Ueno is a traditional sweets house known for the an-mitsu and other traditional sweets. Eat-in and take-away for some products are available.
It is located just a stone throw from the Ueno park.
Why do not you take a break with the traditional sweets after enjoying Sakura (cherry blossom) at the famous park?
Cafe name: Mihashi
Address: 4-9-7 Ueno, Taito-ku, Tokyo