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« Arata (新), Roppongi - casual Japanese meal in modern chic atmoshpere | Main | Deco Sushi - Makoto Sushi (まこと寿し), Shinjuku (新宿) »

24 February 2012


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eeb6 e38288e3828a:36c229Alexi, i dont mind that you find some peoples aaapprences funny I mean cmon we all do sometimes. But to think you know someones entire attitude about life from their appearance is just wrong. Just because someones wearing clothes from target doesnt mean theyve given up on themselves. And to suggest escaping poverty is as easy as believing in yourself shows that you really are clueless. Come on! For some families taking their kids to disneyland could be a goal theyve worked years to attain. Seriously. Out of touch.16

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